Centinex: Redeeming Filth By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 11 November 14 Reunited Swedes head down death metal route one
20 Years Of Morbid Angel's Covenant By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 22 October 14 David Vincent talks Covenant
Sólstafir: Otta By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 22 October 14 Not yet rated Iceland’s melancholic cowboys light up the dark once again.
Obituary: Inked In Blood By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 14 October 14 Florida’s DM originals pick up steam again
Beyond Creation: Earthbound Evolution By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 14 October 14 Tech-death metallers still growing their wings
Blut Aus Nord: Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 14 October 14 France’s black metal misfits look back over their shoulder
Nightbringer: Ego Dominus Tuus By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 14 October 14 Pomp, circumstance and brutality from symphonic Americans
Blake Judd: The Needle & The Damage Done By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 16 September 14 After years of drug-related ignominy, can Nachtmystium’s one-time black metal wunderkind Blake Judd find the road to redemption?
Crucifyre: Black Magic Fire By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 16 September 14 Swedish supergroup cover all the sulphur-loaded bases
Force Of Darkness: Absolute Verb Of Chaos And Darkness By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 16 September 14 Nifelheim move over! No, wait, come back!
Okkultokrati: Night Jerks By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 19 August 14 Norwegian punks journey through the looking glass
Ten Reasons why Hellfest rules By Olivier Zoltar Badin published 17 June 14 Thinking of attending a European festival? Here are ten reasons to consider Hellfest...