Hammer's Tracks Of The Week: 13/4/15 - 19/4/15

Slayer released new music, Download announced more bands and Madonna kissed Drake on the lips (which is apparently important to some people). It’s been a busy week for music, but this is what we’ve been listening to…

Shields – I’ve Dealt With Worse

Merlin Alderslade: “Heavy-as-balls metallic hardcore to give you that Friday feeling.”

Blues Pills – High Class Woman

Vanessa Thorpe: “Loving Blues Pills this week, and this track is a stormer!”

Slayer – When The Stillness Comes

Lewis Somerscales: “SLLLLLAAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!” Dom Lawson: “Crushing, creepy and 100% Slayerised, this makes me very excited for the forthcoming album. Kerry King wrote this track and he’s nailed the sinister vibe that Jeff Hanneman used to conjure so brilliantly. It’s fucking Slayer. What more do you want?” Luke Morton: “It’s a new incarnation but a destructive sound so distinctive you’d recognise it from a mile away… in a coma. Sweet mother of shit just give me the new album!”

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Matter – A Voice

Eleanor Goodman: “As everyone will pick Slayarghhh this week, here’s something different – emotional, intense, post-hardcore from California.”

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Laibach – Life Is Life

Jonathan Selzer: “No Laibach, no Rammstein. And quite simply, the greatest video that has ever been made, or ever will be made.”

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