Hammer's Tracks Of The Week: 23/3/15 - 29/3/15

In a week that Twitter shat itself at the news of Jeremy Clarkson being sacked and Zayn Malik walking away, the Hammer office carried on as normal by listening to nothing but kickass heavy metal. Take a look:

Beardfish – Comfort Zone

Dom Lawson: “The finest moment on the greatest prog album I’ve heard in a long time. There are heavier moments in the Beardfish catalogue, but this is simply sublime. The fuzz guitar intro gives me the shivers (and the prog horn).”

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Rolo Tomassi – Stage Knives

Eleanor Goodman: “Stabs a knife into your brain, before Eva’s ethereal vocals soothe it. This happens repeatedly. A spine-tingling return.”

Slipknot – Custer

Lewis Somerscales: “If this doesn’t make you want to flip a table then you don’t like metal. Probably.”

Marmozets – Is It Horrible?

Vanessa Thorpe: “Steve Hill has been playing this on his TeamRock breakfast show – cue me leaping around my room like a nutjob at an ungodly hour.”

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**Arcturus – The Arcturian Sign **

Jonathan Selzer: “After ten years away, Arcturus sound even more wildly inventive and fearless than ever. The Arcturian Sign is the equivalent of donning magic glasses and seeing a wild, psychedelic world revealed.”

While She Sleeps – Brainwashed

Luke Morton: “The new album’s out and it’s a fucking monster. The ending of this track is just one sonic assault to rattle your eardrums around. Lovely.”

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