When stardom arrived were you more in demand with the ladies as an actor or as a musician?
It’s hard to say which was the more appealing, as they happened almost at the same time. And I didn’t care! But if I was a girl I’d pick a musician above an actor.
What has been your best chat-up line?
No, no. I’ve never been a pick-up line guy, ever. That’s why I learned the guitar.
We’ve heard of avid female fans posing as chambermaids to get into someone’s room. Do you have any similar tales?
People often tried to get into my hotel room, yeah. The weirdest one was back in the eighties; a girl who said she was an heiress to the Marriott hotel chain. She started travelling with us and got us free hotels everywhere. And once the tour was over, the FBI looked for her, as she’d bounced bad cheques.
Your biggest hit, Jessie’s Girl, was about the girlfriend of a friend who you admitted “panting over from afar” but whose name you never even knew.
That’s correct. But I got a pretty good song out of it so I’m happy with the deal.
Did you enjoy being a sex symbol?
I’ve never thought of myself that way. Had I been a banker, would people have thought of me any differently?
Do you still have to fend off female fans?
No. Well, with very rare exceptions. There’s the occasional incident now and again, but everybody knows I’m married.
Have you ever seduced anybody with one of your own records?
No. Has anybody? Personally I wouldn’t stoop that low.