As far as inventions go, the internet is up there with penicillin and Prog magazine. Never a second goes by when someone isn’t absorbing news as it happens or posting a video of a cat stuck in a toilet, all thanks to the wonders of the digital age.
Skyharbor: The Sky's The Limit
Up-and-coming prog metal sensations Skyharbor have harnessed modern technology to create a thrilling second album in Guiding Lights, a feast of moving melodic metal that makes grown men cry.
With over 10 years’ experience writing for Metal Hammer and Prog, Holly has reviewed and interviewed a wealth of progressively-inclined noise mongers from around the world. A fearless voyager to the far sides of metal Holly loves nothing more than to check out London’s gig scene, from power to folk and a lot in between. When she’s not rocking out Holly enjoys being a mum to her daughter Violet and working as a high-flying marketer in the Big Smoke.
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