Goth is the musical movement that never actually existed, outside of a few people’s fertile imagination and the need for a blanket term to wrap like a cloak around all the different bands they liked. All the major bands connected to the goth scene – Bauhaus, Siouxsie And The Banshees, The Cure, even The Mission’s Wayne Hussey – have all disputed the use of the ‘goth’ tag to describe their music.
And it could be argued that it was the audience that created goth, as eventually any band adopted by the goth crowd became gothic by association, whether or not their music fitted the bill. Psychobilly (a punked-up take on rockabilly), for example, wasn’t very gothic, but several psychobilly bands (The Cramps being the most obvious) were adopted by the goth crowd.
So the music in this best albums guide is ‘classic’ goth – ie, music that is unarguably gothic. And, remember, it’s goth because the goths say it is.