Dr. No Effects have unveiled a new effects pedal that looks like a giant turd and adds piles of fuzz to your riffs. Absolute heaps of fuzz, giant smelly mounds of fuzz, honking great chods of fuzz.
Looking like the poo emoji in 3D form, the aptly named Turd Fuzz pedal costs the princely sum of €209 and is idea for anyone who wants to make their guitar sound like it’s being played through an amp full of dung.
Here are the guys at 15 Second Gear Demo giving it a whirl:
It’s a shame that Dr. No didn’t go down the obvious route and turn your chugs into fart sounds. That’s literally the sound of poo. Instead it adds slopbuckets of fuzzy goodness, giving you that old-school, vintage guitar tone – although judging by some of comments we found online, not everyone is impressed with the sound emanating from the fecal fuzzmaker.
The description on the company website says: “Dr. No Effects tried to be successful in bringing you the shittiest guitar pedal in the world of guitar effects. Unfortunately he partially failed in doing so…
“The handmade circuit contains a pair of two NOS transistors that generate this nasty old fashioned fuzz tone, that works very well with guitar and bass guitar.”
And the attention to detail has to be admired, even if it sounds a bit crap. It’s soft and foamy (like real poo), it comes in a brown paper bag (like real poo), and the fly lights up when it’s turned on (like real poo).
If you’ve got a passion for the poop and fancy stinking up your next band practice, it’s available now.