10 up-and-coming thrash metal bands every self-respecting metalhead should listen to

Photos of Pest Control, Tortured Demon and Enforced
(Image credit: Pest Control: Pest Control/Bandcamp | Tortured Demon: Bigfoot Photography | Enforced: Jacky Flav)

Judging by the evidence thus far, we can confidently predict that thrash metal will never die. It helps that there are new and enjoyably ferocious new bands emerging all the time, each one of them fully infected with the spirit of Kill ’Em All and Reign In Blood. From blackened speed metal to pulverising crossover thrash, the following 10 bands are at the forefront of a resurgent genre that will always make otherwise sensible people want to run through a brick wall.

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The unofficial daddies of the genre’s latest wave, Enforced are simply one of the most brutal thrash metal bands of all time. Latest album War Remains is absurdly exciting and will make you break stuff. Hard as nails and resolutely fast as fuck, the Virginia quintet have the unstoppable energy of Slayer, Razor and Demolition Hammer, but with the militant hardcore sensibilities of Ringworm and Hatebreed. The result? Total, pit-starting carnage.

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Over the last decade, Aberdeen’s James McBain has risen from the humblest of DIY origins to become one of the most revered exponents of face-ripping thrash on the planet. Early releases like 2017 debut album Coagulating Darkness were rooted squarely in filthy, blackened speed metal, but Hellripper are still evolving. This year’s Warlocks Grim And Withered Hags is a fast, furious and fervently Scottish record that resounds with ferocious intent. 

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Grove Street

With a sound that incorporates everything from old-school crossover hardcore to the arena-levelling riffs of the Big Four, Grove Street are UK thrash metal’s grittiest exponents. Exposure to debut album The Path Of Righteousness, which comes out on September 29, will almost certainly result in a desire to wreck whichever room you happen to be in. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.  

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Tortured Demon

A lot has been made about how young Tortured Demon are (sorry for bringing it up again, chaps). However, the real story with this box-fresh UK quartet is that they rip as hard as any scabby-knuckled veterans out there. Recently-released second album Rise Of The Lifeless is a riot of old-meets-new-school thrash action, delivered with levels of energy that may be illegal in some countries. The future is safe in their hands.

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Iron Voltage

Thrash gets everywhere, largely because it’s fucking great. Hailing from Bandung, Indonesia, Iron Voltage prove that great ideas travel well. As they demonstrated on last year’s Devastation, the young five-piece have already mastered the art of thrashing like maniacs. Dark and gritty, songs like Immortal Crush and Explosion are rich with the spirit of the old school, but more than pissed-off and gnarly enough for the madness of today’s world. 

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Pest Control

Quite conceivably the single most exciting band in the UK right now, Pest Control are the crossover thrash band your mum warned you about – principally to protect the furniture. Renowned for inciting limb-threatening mayhem at live shows, Leeds’ finest released their  debut album, Don’t Test The Pest, earlier this year. It’s extremely hard to listen to it without smashing something, but listen to it we do anyway. Circle pit! 

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The death of Riley Gale in 2020 put an abrupt halt to Power Trip’s seemingly inevitable rise to thrash metal glory. As we wait to discover the Dallas band’s next move, guitarist Blake Ibanez can be found whipping up a storm in Fugitive, and the Fort Worth fivesome will cheerfully remove your face in much the same way as Power Trip did. Last year’s Maniac EP is as raw and nasty as it gets, with echoes of Discharge and Obituary lurking in the jagged maelstrom. 

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In a previous life, Cryptosis were known as Distillator and played vintage thrash the vintage way. These days, they are one of the genre’s most unique propositions. Debut album Bionic Swarm was a wild opening statement, with mind-bending sci-fi themes and a fearlessly progressive approach to songwriting. With an obvious debt to mavericks like Voivod and Coroner, Cryptosis are making thrash for our inevitably dystopian future.

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Inhuman Nature

This London-based quintet have built a formidable reputation upon a uniquely filthy strain of classic thrash. With vocals that come from the Venom school of gruff bellowing and riffs that seldom miss an opportunity to chug, the band’s 2019 eponymous debut was an instant underground hit. Check out the two new tracks on Inhuman Nature’s recent split EP with crossover crew Ninth Realm for a jolting dose of thrash barbarism.

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Thrash metal has always had an evil streak, and Graveripper are exploiting it with murderous grins on their faces. Coming straight out of Indianapolis, Indiana, these speed-obsessed ghouls play blackened thrash as if they’re whacking nails into a coffin while howling at the moon. Suggestion: listen to the morbid onslaught of debut album Seasons Dreaming Death and do have nightmares.

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Dom Lawson

Dom Lawson has been writing for Metal Hammer and Prog for over 14 years and is extremely fond of heavy metal, progressive rock, coffee and snooker. He also contributes to The Guardian, Classic Rock, Bravewords and Blabbermouth and has previously written for Kerrang! magazine in the mid-2000s.