Vega – "Were we cocky? Compared to the likes of Guns N’ Roses, I think not"

Vega band photo

Five years ago you said: “Some day we want to be on the cover of Classic Rock.” How’s that going?

We’re moving forward and headed in the right direction musically, so no complaints.

Any regrets over the way you carried yourselves back then?

No. Were we cocky? Compared to the likes of Guns N’ Roses, I think not. We’re confident in our abilities. It’s a big difference.

Five years and four albums in, what have you learned?

It’s cheesy, but we’ve got to know one another as people. I didn’t even like the twins [Tom and James Martin] at first.
And as a band our songs are getting better and better – that’s something I’m very proud of. Sure, some people hate us, but the flip side is that others fucking love us.

Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott took Vega under his wing, donating a song and taking the band on tour with the Down ’N’ Outz.

The one thing I’ll take away from getting to know Joe is how down to earth he is. He’s sold millions of records but the guy doesn’t act like a cock, he’s just like you or me.

Vega will be opening for the Dan Reed Network next year. Are you fans?

We’re massive fans. I’ve been bombarding Dan’s booking agent with emails, phone calls and texts for a year to get on this tour.

Which of your support tours was the most beneficial in terms of gaining new fans?

Playing with Magnum [this summer]. The reaction was amazing every night. So we’ve gratefully accepted their offer to support them again on their Christmas dates.

What will your New Year’s resolution be?

To give you some better headlines about Vega, and try to be less of a cock.

Vega’s headline gigs begin in Cardiff on November 30.

Dave Ling
News/Lives Editor, Classic Rock

Dave Ling was a co-founder of Classic Rock magazine. His words have appeared in a variety of music publications, including RAW, Kerrang!, Metal Hammer, Prog, Rock Candy, Fireworks and Sounds. Dave’s life was shaped in 1974 through the purchase of a copy of Sweet’s album ‘Sweet Fanny Adams’, along with early gig experiences from Status Quo, Rush, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Yes and Queen. As a lifelong season ticket holder of Crystal Palace FC, he is completely incapable of uttering the word ‘Br***ton’.