Fall Out Boy, Demi Lovato in new Irresistible promo

Fall Out Boy have released a new video for their track Irresistible – based on the promo for boyband Nsync’s 2000 hit It’s Gonna Be Me.

It’s the second promo FOB have issued for their collaboration with pop star Demi Lovato, who also stars in the video. They previously launched the track with a clip featuring Doug The Pug.

The latest promo was directed by Wayne Isham, the man behind the Nsync video which saw Justin Timberlake and co recreated as action figures.

FOB say: “What if in the Nsync video for It’s Gonna Be Me there was an analog to the story? Where in the same store there was a dollar bin full of toys that no one really wanted that would band together like the misfit, offbrand little outsiders they were.

Irresistible is the video for that story, it’s about the toys no one ever wanted come to life. It was directed by Wayne Isham, the director who did the original NSYNC video and features Demi Lovato and special cameos by Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick.”

The original version of Irresistible – without Lovato’s guest vocals – features on the band’s latest album American Beauty/American Psycho.

Fall Out Boy tour the US with Awolnation this year.

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Stef wrote close to 5,000 stories during his time as assistant online news editor and later as online news editor between 2014-2016. An accomplished reporter and journalist, Stef has written extensively for a number of UK newspapers and also played bass with UK rock favourites Logan. His favourite bands are Pixies and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Stef left the world of rock'n'roll news behind when he moved to his beloved Canada in 2016, but he started on his next 5000 stories in 2022.