Foo Fighters ring in the new year with dynamic single No Son Of Mine

Foo Fighters
(Image credit: Danny Clinch)

Foo Fighters have released No Son Of Mine, the second track to be taken from their upcoming album 10th Medicine At Midnight. The release follows that of Shame, Shame, which was premiered in November.  

"This is the kind of song that just resides in all of us and if it makes sense at the time, we let it out,” says lead Foo Fighter Dave Grohll. "Lyrically it’s meant to poke at the hypocrisy of self righteous leaders, people that are guilty of committing the crimes they’re supposedly against."

To accompany the release, Grohl penned a letter to fans in which he reflected on the long wait for the album's release, and bid farewell to 2020 in no uncertain terms. 

Dear Everyone —

It was almost exactly a year ago that we finished recording our “new” record Medicine At Midnight, with a massive world tour planned that would have taken us around the globe celebrating our 25th anniversary as a band. But, well…you know…

So, we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until we finally realized that our music is made to be heard, whether it’s in a festival field with 50,000 our of closest friends, or alone in your living room on a Saturday night with a stiff cocktail. 

So, the wait is over. 

As we say goodbye (f*ck you) to 2020, and flip the calendar page to 2021, let’s ring in the new year with a new rocker, “No Son Of Mine”. 

Pour a drink, turn it up, close your eyes and imagine that festival field blowing up to this. 

Because it f*cking will.

Happy New Year,


Medicine At Midnight is due for release on Roswell Records/Columbia Records on February 5, and is available for pre-order now. Grohl is the guest editor of the next issue of Classic Rock, which is published in the UK tomorrow.     

Medicine At Midnight tracklist

Making a Fire
Shame Shame
Waiting on a War
Medicine at Midnight
No Son of Mine
Holding Poison
Chasing Birds
Love Dies Young

Letter from Dave Grohl

(Image credit: Roswell Records/Columbia Records))
Fraser Lewry
Online Editor, Classic Rock

Online Editor at Louder/Classic Rock magazine since 2014. 39 years in music industry, online for 26. Also bylines for: Metal Hammer, Prog Magazine, The Word Magazine, The Guardian, The New Statesman, Saga, Music365. Former Head of Music at Xfm Radio, A&R at Fiction Records, early blogger, ex-roadie, published author. Once appeared in a Cure video dressed as a cowboy, and thinks any situation can be improved by the introduction of cats. Favourite Serbian trumpeter: Dejan Petrović.