If you were hoping to spend $1000 on a Rammstein hoodie today, we have bad news for you

(Image credit: Rammstein for Balenciaga Music)

Given that it’s over a decade since they launched their own bespoke dildo range, at this point nothing that Rammstein do should surprise us anymore.

But we must confess that we raised an eyebrow when everyone’s favourite German industrial-metal troupe recently announced a new eye-wateringly expensive merch collaboration with high end Spanish fashion house Balenciaga. 

Well, more fool us, for the band’s pricey new merch items are absolutely flying off the (virtual/online) shelves.

Like us, you may have wondered whether anyone would really pay $995 for a Rammstein hoodie, or $1290 for a Rammstein rucksack? Well, dear friends, the answer, clearly, is ‘Yes’, or possibly, ‘HELL YES!’ if you’re more animated than we are, as both items have already completely sold out on the Balenciaga website

Shitty news for those among us who were hoping to spend the best part of a grand on a hoodie, but fear not, moneyed pals, for, at the time of writing, there are still options to buy $495 caps and a fabulous $850 ‘explorer beltpack’… and there’s a lush $2,250 raincoat available for pre-order too, to be shipped no later than 05/07/2021, just in time for summer. Hurrah!

Last one to the online tills is a tight-wad!

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