A new book about Frank Zappa's live exploits in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway is to be published by Nowegian publishers Absolutt Publishing.
Frank Zappa - The Nordic Stories has been collated by Erland Bekkelund and key Frank Zappa collaborators Ole Lysgaard and Søren Gaden in Denmark, Matti Laipio in Finland and Cege Berglund in Sweden.
The book is a collection of stories, interviews and anecdotes from the Nordic countries accompanied by about 250 unpublished photos that range from Zappa's first tour of the region in 1967 to his last, in 1988.
The collection was written by fans who met Zappa several times, some of whom became friends. Photos vary from professional shots to guerrilla images. Hardcore fans will find a lots of rarities, including set lists, ticket stubs, posters and much more. The entire Nordic region is represented, each with its own chapter.
Frank Zappa - The Nordic Stories is a 256-page coffee table book and is written in English.
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