Saga singer Michael Sadler reveals cancer diagnosis

Michael Sadler of Saga
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Saga frontman Michael Sadler has revealed he is suffering from a rare form of aggressive cancer and will undergo emergency surgery today.

The news was broken on social media by the Canadian singer's wife Gwen and you can read her lengthy statement below.

"Michael has asked me to share some important personal news with you. On September 5, during a meeting with his doctor, Michael was informed that his diagnostic test results confirmed a highly agressive form of muscle-invasive cancer. It is a rare type that occurs in only 3-5 % of the cases.

To protect his life, his doctor will be performing an urgent, high-risk, multi-organ, open surgical procedure tomorrow, September 12th.

Due to how fast this has all developed, we regret to say that most of our extended family, close friends and partners have not heard from us directly yet. We are sorry that you have to hear about this on social media but we have no control over the timing of everything.

Michael is, as you can imagine, very anxious but also feeling guilty about being sick and not being able to handle his work.

Especially right now, with the band and the upcoming shows in October, he is keenly aware of the expectations and wants to make sure he is well and ready.

All we can do at the moment is to keep him distracted, reassure him and help him stay in a positive frame of mind during this difficult time. He is expected to be in the hospital for a couple of weeks, with a shorter stay ideally.

Michael and our family are deeply aware that he is just one of many worldwide currently facing this terrible disease and more. In fact, we have near and dear members of both families dealing with their own battles with cancer and other equally devastating diseases.

We have much to learn in the coming days and are truly humbled and grateful to our families, the band and crew, our dear friends and all who've been so supportive, and kind to us during this time.

I will do my best to share updates about Michael whenever possible. To reduce his stress, we kindly request that you refrain from sending Michael direct messages at this time. Thank you all so much for your support and understanding."

Saga are due to appear at this year's ProgStock festival in New Jersey in October, followed by a run of European dates in November and December and are also due to appear on next year's Cruise To The Edge.

Prog sends Michael positive thoughts and wishes him a speedy recovery.

Posted by SAGAgeneration on 
Jerry Ewing

Writer and broadcaster Jerry Ewing is the Editor of Prog Magazine which he founded for Future Publishing in 2009. He grew up in Sydney and began his writing career in London for Metal Forces magazine in 1989. He has since written for Metal Hammer, Maxim, Vox, Stuff and Bizarre magazines, among others. He created and edited Classic Rock Magazine for Dennis Publishing in 1998 and is the author of a variety of books on both music and sport, including Wonderous Stories; A Journey Through The Landscape Of Progressive Rock.