Valient Thorr man launches Standing Rock campaign

Valient Thorr
Valient Thorr

Valient Thorr vocalist Valient Himself has launched a crowdfunding campaign to aid those protesting the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The pipeline crosses sacred tribal lands belong to the Standing Rock Sioux, with the area becoming a flashpoint in recent months as protestors faced heavily militarised law enforcement officers, who deployed pepper spray, tear gas and rubber bullets.

In December, the Army Corps of Engineers reported they would not grant a permit for the pipeline to drill under the Missouri river and said they would instead look at alternative options. But US President Trump signed an executive order last month that would advance construction of the pipeline.

Now Himself has decided to do what he can to help those opposing the project.

He says in a statement: “In December when the outrage over the oil pipeline being built through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s land was heating up, Valient Thorr was on tour in Europe. I said that if I was at home, I’d gather supplies and drive them up there myself.

“Then a wonderful thing happened. On December 4, the Army Corp of Engineers denied the permit to build a key section releasing tension that had built up over months of protest. However, we knew it wouldn’t be long until it started up again.”

He adds: “Tired of just reposting articles, I’ve decided now that I’m back in the States to gather supplies and/or money to buy those needed supplies and drive them to the Water Protectors in North Dakota.

“I have no idea how long it will take to raise this money, or who will be willing to help in this endeavour, so I’m putting a month on here to try to make this goal happen. If I hit the goal faster, then I will act faster.”

He hopes $10,000 and, with 17 days remaining on the campaign, the total sits at more than $2500. For more, visit the campaign website.

Neil Young and Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe have both railed against the pipeline plans.

Customs confusion at Calais for Valient Thorr

Scott Munro
Louder e-commerce editor

Scott has spent 35 years in newspapers, magazines and online as an editor, production editor, sub-editor, designer, writer and reviewer. Scott joined our news desk in the summer of 2014 before moving into e-commerce in 2020. Scott keeps Louder’s buyer’s guides up to date, writes about the best deals for music fans, keeps on top of the latest tech releases and reviews headphones, speakers, earplugs and more for Louder. Over the last 10 years, Scott has written more than 11,000 articles across Louder, Classic Rock, Metal Hammer and Prog. He's previously written for publications including IGN, Sunday Mirror, Daily Record and The Herald, covering everything from daily news and weekly features, to tech reviews, video games, travel and whisky. Scott's favourite bands are Fields Of The Nephilim, The Cure, New Model Army, All About Eve, The Mission, Cocteau Twins, Drab Majesty, The Tragically Hip, Marillion and Rush.