Watch Tobias Forge break down the story behind each of Ghost's iconic frontmen – including every Papa Emeritus, Cardinal Copia and every character leading up to Papa V Perpetua

Papa V Perpetua
(Image credit: Ghost)

Ghost mainman Tobias Forge has given an insight into the aesthetic of every one of the band's iconic frontmen and other characters that make up the story behind his high priests of hard rock.

The Swedish band have won legions of fans with their theatrical stage shows and brilliant back catalogue of material.

And the revolving door of lead singers – all of whom are of course Forge inhabiting different characters – has created a compelling story that keeps fans even more enthralled.

Papa Emeritus I, Papa Emeritus II and Papa Emeritus III were the men in the spotlight on Ghost's first three album cycles, before Cardinal Copia was introduced. He was later elevated to the title of Papa Emeritus IV and has since been replaced by Papa V Perpetua for the upcoming 6th album Skeletá.

In a new video filmed with German magazine DIFFUS, Forge gives fans more detail on the cast of Ghost characters.

He says: "All these three first dudes are brothers, and the age difference between II and III is like three months. Anybody with a biological knowledge might say 'that's nicht possible!' It is, if you have two mothers. So that says something about the father.

"Number III, this is where things got a little more interesting in terms of design. It turned out really cool."

On Papa III shedding his robes and mitre hat to perform and in a slightly less elaborate outfit, Forge adds: "This was a big step for the band because I was feeling already on the second album cycle that going around being spooky was fun and all, but sooner or later it's gonna wear off.

"When you play longer than an hour, sooner or later it's going to start coming off as stale, standing still, and not as fun. So Papa Emeritus got this get-up inspired by the Swedish King from the late 1700s. When he claimed the throne, he had a costume like that."

On Cardinal Copia, Forge says they made a change because Papa I, II and III started to feel a little repetitive. On that character's snazzy attire, Forge reveals it was inspired by Don Fanucci from The Godfather II.

He adds: "He was the most 'Don' of all of them. He's like someone impersonating the Marlon Brando character. I always found that character very funny, and that he had really cool clothes."

Forge also discusses some of the spectacular locations where his characters have had their portraits taken, which he says adds to their mystique.

And on the current Ghost frontman, Papa V Perpetua, he says: "V is coming, it's true. Each one has an element that I can look back on with a certain degree of joy.

"I definitely think that Papa III, with the addition of something as easy as pants, made the show better and more fun."

Watch the full video below.

Tobias Forge from Ghost reacts to all characters of the clergy | DIFFUS - YouTube Tobias Forge from Ghost reacts to all characters of the clergy | DIFFUS - YouTube
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Stef wrote close to 5,000 stories during his time as assistant online news editor and later as online news editor between 2014-2016. An accomplished reporter and journalist, Stef has written extensively for a number of UK newspapers and also played bass with UK rock favourites Logan. His favourite bands are Pixies and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Stef left the world of rock'n'roll news behind when he moved to his beloved Canada in 2016, but he started on his next 5000 stories in 2022.