Fake Club: Fuckable

It’s an anagram, stupid.

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The girls just wanna rock, and this London five-piece aren’t fussed about

They just write the songs and play them the way they want. There’s a heavy swagger to the opening Do What You Gotta Do and Feel Me, a punk sneer on Beauty Queen, a garage menace on Bullet Brain and catchy pop on Do It Like Me. But all of them rock convincingly and without the dead weight of clichés holding them down.

The sound is earthy and refreshing and all the better for it. Except for the last track, Midnight At Koko, a song they played in the recent Powder Room film comedy, which is deliberately downbeat and plaintive in contrast to the attitude they’ve been giving it before.

Perhaps they wanted to prove they really can fake it.

Hugh Fielder

Hugh Fielder has been writing about music for 50 years. Actually 61 if you include the essay he wrote about the Rolling Stones in exchange for taking time off school to see them at the Ipswich Gaumont in 1964. He was news editor of Sounds magazine from 1975 to 1992 and editor of Tower Records Top magazine from 1992 to 2001. Since then he has been freelance. He has interviewed the great, the good and the not so good and written books about some of them. His favourite possession is a piece of columnar basalt he brought back from Iceland.