The provincial cities of Britain are awash with bracingly sarcastic, left-leaning social commentators like Andy Falkous. But not all of them form stompingly loud, hilariously snide metal punk bands like Cardiff’s Future Of The Left.
Miles removed from metropolitan hipster rock circles, Falkous and co. have developed a uniquely savage and surreal voice that marries gnarly chainsaw guitars and ragged junk-shop keyboards to ranting monologues that unpick contemporary politics, the music industry and popular culture with equally withering disdain. Imagine a heavier, more biting version of Half Man, Half Biscuit.
No longer a trio, the group’s third album features an expanded line-up and a fresh set of acerbic observations on everything from Russell Brand to riots, Billy Corgan to Olympic hype. The hard-driving, brutalist riffs are hardly subtle, but the lyrics are, sometimes even achieving a kind of sublimely deadpan poetry: _‘I have seen into the future, everyone is slightly older’. _
The standout track here is Robocop 4 – Fuck off Robocop, a herky-jerky metal-core rant against the infantilised tastes of sequel-loving movie geeks. With this album, Future Of The Left are keeping alive the best kind of punk spirit – sneery yet funny, shouty but brainy.