With their lank hair, luxuriant face-fuzz and vintage hippie duds, the three members of Kadavar resemble a rock band from the early 70s. And they sound like one – namely, Black Sabbath.
Across the years, countless heavy metal bands have kneeled at the altar of Sabbath. But few have recreated the sound of the Sabs’ classic Ozzy-era albums as accurately as Kadavar have done on this archly titled second long-player. With guitarist/vocalist Lupus Lindemann doubling as Tony Iommi and Ozzy, the trio pay homage in both sound and word.
The head-banging riffs of Doomsday Machine and Dust are pure Iommi, while the lyrics of Black Snake reference Sabbath’s Into The Void, and the title of Abra Kadabra nods to the old masters’ Sabbra Cadabra. But in truth, Kadavar are little more than a tribute band, albeit a very good one. And with a genuine Black Sabbath album coming soon, these guys needn’t have bothered.