Thirty years into their existence, Prong have crossed over so many times that the knots they’ve created have ensured they’re knitted firmly into the fabric of metal history. It’s been a tempestuous ride – frontman Tommy Victor, like his contemporary Page Hamilton of Helmet, is the only original and consistent member – but Zero Days, Prong’s 12th album, is a focused and determined work with a fiery heart. Their thrash roots, gnarled and twisted, wind their way around everything they do here – particularly on the seething, full-pelt maelstrom of Forced Into Tolerance, with its beefy, pit-friendly breakdown that bloodies noses from 20 paces – latest drummer Art Cruz providing an uncompromising caveman foundation that rarely veers from its path. And yet Off The Grid has the hardcore punk fury that has always been a part of their genetic makeup, with a snotty obnoxiousness that screams of adolescent muscle-memory boundary-pushing even at their advanced age. While it’s more subdued than it has been in the past, their industrial side lurks just above the surface, as on the future-retro vocal treatment on Interbeing. The return of Prong may fly under the radar for many, but this old dog has plenty of bite left in it.
Prong - Zero Days album review
NY crossover veterans live to thrash another day

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