There is little chance that anyone will ever truly capture on film the insane exhilaration of a Slipknot live show. But Day Of The Gusano comes pretty close.
Shot at the metal titans’ triumphant Mexico City debut in December 2015, this is an explosive and ridiculously exciting concert film that confirms two major things: firstly, that Slipknot’s new members have, if anything, added to the band’s integral fieriness, and secondly, that the Iowa crew are still bizarrely extreme for such a commercially successful band. From the opening riff-riot of Sarcastrophe to the closing mini-apocalypse of Surfacing, it’s a flat-out and furious spectacle, shot and edited with laudable intelligence and as vibrant sonically as such endeavours ever get.
Day Of The Gusano is a classy stop-gap to keep the diehards busy while they wait for whatever 18-legged madness comes next.
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