As the sun sets over Manchester, dark hordes of goths are swarming the streets. Take one look at the drainpipe jeans, pinstripe blazers and shaggy, backcombed hairstyles and it’s clear where they’re headed; tonight, The Horrors will be taking over the Night & Day Cafe, celebrating the release of their first record since 2017’s V.
While Night Life has only been out a few days, its decadent, tar-smeared ambience has already enchanted the group’s loyal fanbase, and, as fans cram into the intimate venue, everyone is keen to experience a fresh dose of pitch-black post-punk and whirling dreamscapes.
When the gang emerge, they take to the stage with an air of devilishly cool nonchalance. But bassist Rhys Webb has a crucial job to do before the set can kick off, so he crouches down, gets out his lighter, and sparks up a stick of incense.
As the smell floods throughout the intimate space, the synthetic mystique of Mirror’s Image sinks the room into The Horror’s liminal sonic world. Frontman Faris Badwan conjures wavering, shoegaze synth washes, before Webb, setting down his glass of red wine, cuts in with a thick slap of bass.
Performing with a man down, the absence of drummer Jordan Cook only amplifies the dreamier qualities of each track. The Silence That Remains’ rumbling bassline and gut-wrenching woe stuns, Badwan’s brooding baritones utterly transfixing. Even Who Can Say’s brighter, effervescent synth tones feel more magical, fans parroting back the dose of poetic spoken word while dancing along.
When Badwan does decide to properly address the audience, he’s in a reflective headspace. Tonight marks the release of Night Life, but this year is also the goth gang’s 20th anniversary. “I’ve been in The Horrors for more years of my life than I’ve not been in The Horrors,” he says with a laugh. And not a year has been wasted; fans have loved every second of Badwan’s musical dedication, keen to tell him “you are appreciated!”
Rather than responding with words, The Horrors show their appreciation through More Than Life’s wall of oscillating synths. The tune feeds gorgeously into the band’s most iconic track, Still Life, the trio truly in a flow-state as the tune soars and sparkles timelessly.
Climactic closer Lotus Eater transforms the venue into a goth club, the newer track’s pulsing beats urging the crowd to move. The evening highlights the new record’s varied palette – a dazzling nocturnal spectacle of sombre reflections and oozing catharsis. It’s the Southend band's most mature work to date and, as the crowd howls for more, it seems that Manchester is under The Horrors' dark spell once more.
The Horrors tour the UK in November. Tickets go on sale on March 28.