Like a night sky suddenly filled with blooms of fireworks, The Hot Damn! are an unexpected and very welcome surprise.
Picking up where The Amorettes and Tequila Mockingbyrd left off - remnants of those bands helped kick-start this one – this fourpiece are a welcome kick in the face of convention; hard pop and rock, which has the dazzling, shimmering appeal of Ginger Wildheart’s occasional Hey! Hello! project (and they clearly both enjoy an exclamation mark), but with the added sting of Halestorm and the occasional droll playfulness of the B-52s.
It’s a lot, admittedly.
They make it look easy though, if it’s not, in the rollicking Live Laugh Love, the charged Can You Hear Me Now? (which wouldn’t seem out of place as the banger on a Pink album), or the surprise reflection on display in the excellent Sticky Clubs.